June OMG: New project? Old project?

OMG button

Indecision has struck, big time.  BIG.  TIME.

Should I nominate the new project I just started a couple of days ago … or should I be good and delve into the WIP/UFO bin for a worthy contender for this month’s OMG?  Should I aim to catch up on my 365 circles … or should I just procrastinate and have a clean-up instead??  *sigh*

Why is it so hard to make a decision some days???! 😦

OK.  Here’s what I did.  I had a clean-up.  And during that clean-up, I found the jelly roll quilt I started a few weeks ago (which I posted about here) for my nearly-92-year-old friend in Invercargill.  And SNAP!  I had my decision.  I had my June OMG project.  Now, what on earth was so hard about that??! 🙂

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Here’s to a completed quilt by the end of the month!

(Looking something like this …)






Linking up with Heidi’s linky party at Red Letter Quilts here.